FA Type Waterstop

FA joint closing waterstop

Waterstops are used to seal expansion joints and stop work in constructions where there is a possibility of water inflow such as tunnels, cisterns, irrigation canals, swimming pools, basements, etc. FA type waterstops are installed for sealing surface joints & manufactured according to DIN 18541 and ΕΛΟΤ ΤΠ 1501-08-05-02-02:2021.

Τα waterstops τύπου FA τοποθετούνται για σφράγιση επιφανειακών αρμών & κατασκευάζονται σύμφωνα με το  DIN 18541 και την ΕΛΟΤ ΤΠ  1501-08-05-02-02:2021.

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FA-5050 302520

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